This resource is a SWORD module using CrossWire's JSword software. STEPBible is grateful for their ongoing work and support.The FinPR module has been obtained from the repository of We gratefully appreciate their work in preparing this and curating it. If you find any errors please report them here.
Copyright information
Vanha Testamentti XI yleisen Kirkolliskokouksen vuonna 1933 käytäntöön ottama suomennos. Uusi Testamentti XII yleisen Kirkolliskokouksen vuonna 1938 käytäntöön ottama suomennos. Abou_en=Finnish Bible authorized by Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland in 1933 (OT) and 1938 (NT). In public domain. SWORD version by St. Publishare Netherlands 17/11/93 Version 1.1 by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)